Book: ESL Starter

Unit 01: Hello

- talk to someone for the first time
- introduce yourself
- say where you are from
- ask people where they are from
- ask and say where places are
- say where you live
- ask and say if you are married
- say if you have children
Target activity
- Talk to someone for the first time

Unit 02: People

- talk about people you know
- ask and say how old people are
- talk about families
- ask and say where you work
- ask and say where other people work
- say where other people live and work
Target activity
- Talk about people you know

Unit 03: Where and when?

Where and when?
- arrange to meet people
- describe a street
- say where you are in a town
- ask and say the time
- say what time of day you do things
- say if you are free
- say where and when to meet
Target activity
- Arrange to meet people

Unit 04: About you

About you
- say how you spend your time
- talk about things you often do
- say what you like and don’t like
- say what you eat and drink
- ask for a drink in a café
- describe a restaurant or café
- ask how people spend their time
- ask what people like
Target activity
- Say how you spend your time

Unit 05: Things to buy

Things to buy
- choose and buy things
- identify common objects
- ask about things in shops
- ask and say how much things are
- say what clothes you wear
- ask about prices
- say what colours you like
- look at things in shops
- ask about price and size
Target activity
- Choose and buy things

Unit 06: Every day

Every day
- talk about things you do every day
- talk about your daily routine
- say where and when you have meals
- describe transport in towns
- ask and say how to get to places
- say how you go to work or school
- ask about daily routines
- ask about weekends and holidays
Target activity
- Talk about things you do every day

Unit 07: Last week

Last week
- talk about things you did or saw
- say what you often do at the weekend
- say what you did last weekend
- ask and say where people were
- say where you were
- talk about a fi lm or a book
- talk about a place you know
Target activity
- Talk about things you did or saw

Unit 08: Places

- talk about a place you visited
- say what you saw and did
- say what you didn’t see or do
- talk about holiday activities
- ask people what they did
- talk about months and weather
- say when to visit a place
- ask about a holiday or business trip
Target activity
- Talk about a place you visited

Quay lại

Unit 09: Going ou

- invite someone to go out
- talk on the phone
- say what you’re doing just now
- ask what people are doing
- talk about arrangements
- invite someone and reply
- decide what to do and where to go
- make suggestions
Target activity
- Invite someone to go out

Unit 11: People in your life

People in your life
- introduce people
- say who people are
- talk about present and past jobs
- say how you know people
- ask people to repeat
- ask questions to check information
Target activity
- Talk about someone you know well

Unit 12: Away from home

- make and respond to requests
- make and respond to offers
- say what your interests are
- say what you want to do
Target activity
- Take care of a guest

Unit 13: Your time

- say what you do in your free time
- say what you like and dislike
- talk about habits and customs
- make and respond to invitations
Target activity
- Invite someone out

Unit 14: Changes

- talk about past events
- talk about first times
- talk about trips
- talk about important events in your life
Target activity
- Talk about an important event

Unit 15: Your space

- talk about cities and neighbourhoods
- talk about homes
- find information in adverts for rooms
Target activity
- Rent a room

Unit 20: Getting together

- talk about films
- find information in a cinema programme
- make and respond to suggestions
- make arrangements to meet
Target activity
- Arrange a film night

Unit 21: Journey

- check in and board a flight
- tell a story
- talk about a journey
Target activity
- Describe a journey

Unit 22: Are you OK?

- talk about health
- buy things in a pharmacy
- understand instructions on medicines
- give advice
Target activity
- Give advice

Unit 23: Experiences

- talk about experiences
- say what you've never done and always wanted to do
- talk about places you've been to
Target activity
- Get information and recommendations

Unit 24: Choices

- give opinions
- talk about hopes and plans
- make decisions
Target activity
- Plan a week break

Unit 25: Play

- talk about music
- talk about what to do in your free time
- talk about past events and present activities
- talk about sport and exercise
- talk about your interests and how they started
Target activity
- Talk about an interest

Unit 26: Work and studies

- talk about personal experience
- talk about your studies
- talk about your work
- join a job agency
Target activity
- Have an interview

Unit 27: How's your food?

- give opions
- talk about food and eating
- order a meal in a restaurant
- make suggestions
Target activity
- Plan a meal

Unit 28: Encounters

- use a taxi
- describe past events
- tell a story
- tell a travel anecdote
Target activity
- Tell stories about memorable meetings

Unit 29: Money

- change money
- understand instructions on a cash machine
- pay for things in different places
- talk about rules and obligations
- give advice
Target activity
- Give advice to a visitor

Unit 30: Energy

- talk about present habits
- talk about weather
- make comparisons
- express preferences
Target activity
- Do a survey

Unit 31: City life

- make guesses and predictions
- make recommendations
- give directions
- get information in a tourist office
Target activity
- Get tourist information

Unit 32: Things

- ask about and buy things
- describe objects
- talk about possessions
Target activity
- Talk about a favourite possession

Unit 33: Feelings

- say how you feel
- give and respond to different kinds of news
- thank people and apologise
- ask for news
Target activity
- Catch up with friends

Unit 34: Getting organised

- book a room and check into a hotel
- talk about plans and arrangements
- make and change arrangements
Target activity
- Arrange to meet up

Unit 35: Spaces

- talk about homes and housing
- describe imaginary situations
- discuss pros and cons
- talk about ways to solve problems
Target activity
- Talk about a problem

Unit 36: People and places

- say where places are
- describe countries
- talk about people's lives and achievements
Target activity
- Talk about people and places in your country

Unit 37: Now and then

- talk about electronic gadgets you use
- use the phone in different situations
- talk about past habits and states
Target activity
- Talk about technology and change

Unit 38: A matter of opinion

- express and respond to opinions
- have a discussion
- discuss imaginary situations
- take part in a meeting
Target activity
- Have a debate

Unit 39: Media around the world

- talk about entertainment media
- talk about habits
- express preferences
- talk about information media
- evaluate ideas
- make recommendations
- describe a book or TV show
Target activity
- Describe a book or a TV show

Unit 40: Good communication

- talk about methods of communication
- express opinions
- talk about using the Internet
- speculate about the present and future
- speculate about consequences
Target activity
- Discuss an issue

Unit 41: Success

- talk about a business idea
- talk about hopes, dreams and ambitions
- talk about abilities
- talk about achievements
- take part in an interview
Target activity
- Sell an idea

Unit 10: People's lives

- talk about your life
- say when people were born and died
- say when people did things
- say what people did in their lives
- talk about important events in your life
- tell someone’s life story
- say when things happened
- talk about your past
- ask about someone’s past
Target activity
- Talk about your life

Book: ESL Foundation

Unit 16: What would you like?

- buy things in shops
- talk about shopping and food
- talk about preferences and give reasons
- order a meal
Target activity
- Order a meal

Unit 17: Work-life balance

- talk about work and studies
- describe present activities
- say why you can't do things
Target activity
- Explain what you do

Unit 18: What's she like?

- talk about your family
- describe people's personality
- describe people's appearance
- describe relationships
Target activity
- Describe someone you admire

Unit 19: Getting around

- get information in places you visit
- compare ways of travelling
- buy a travel ticket
Target activity
- Buy a ticket

Unit 42: What happened?

- talk about accidents and injuries
- explain how something happened
- talk about nature events
- describe a dramatic experience
- say how you feel about an experience
Target activity
- Describe a dramatic experience

Unit 43: A change of plan

- discuss plans and arrangements
- make offers and promises
- talk about something that went wrong
- talk about changes of plan
- catch up with old friends' news
Target activity
- Attend a reunion

Unit 44: Let me explain

- give advice
- talk about how you manage money
- give detailed instructions
- give reason for advice
Target activity
- Give expert advice

Unit 45: Personal qualities

- describe qualities you need for different activities
- describe personality
- make comparisons
- say how a person has influenced you
Target activity
- Talk about people who have influenced you

Unit 46: Lost and found

- talk about attitudes to possessions
- describe objects
- talk about unexpected travel situations
- disucss options and decide what to do
- make deductions
Target activity
- Find something at lost property

Unit 47: Make up your mind

- describe problems in the home
- discuss solutions
- talk about decision-making
- discuss the consequences of decisions
- negotiate
Target activity
- Reach a compromise

Unit 48: Impressions

- talk about memory
- talk about what you remember
- talk about complaining
- complain about goods or services
- ask for a refund or replacement and explain why
- make a complaint politely
Target activity
- Resolve a dispute

Unit 49: Truth and lies

- relate a conversation
- talk about truth and lies
- summarise what people say
- find out news about people you know
Target activity
- Chat about friends

Unit 50: Any questions?

- give a talk about an interest or activity
- make polite requests
- ask polite questions
- take questions in a talk
Target activity
- Deal with questions in a talk

Unit 51:Looking back

- talk about mistakes
- criticise past actions
- suggest alternatives
- talk about acts of kindness and bravery
- speculate about the past
Target activity
- Discuss what went wrong

Unit 52: In the news

- understand news stories
- react to the news
- tell someone about a news story
- evaluate options and choose one
Target activity
- Choose a story for a news programme

Unit 53: Talented

- talk about people's success
- discuss and evaluate ideas
- talk about things you're good at
- describe and evaluate skills
- give advice about an interest or occupation
Target activity
- Give advice about an interest or occupation

Unit 54: Misunderstandings

- describe events in detail
- deal with misunderstandings
- describe experiences of things going wrong
- tell a story from your country
- explain why you're not satisfied with a service
Target activity
- Make a complaint

Unit 55: Learners and teachers

- express views about differents options
- talk about education and training
- talk about experiences of education and training
- describe habits and tendencies in the past and present
- describe important mentors in your life
Target activity
- Decide who to nominate for an award

Book: ESL Independent

Unit 56: Local knowledge

- describe landmarks
- talk about landmarks where you live
- talk about well-known people where you live
- describe someone's life and work
- give information about interesting or important sights
Target activity
- Describe well-known sites to a visitor

Unit 57: Images

- describe and give opinions about images
- choose something for a room
- discuss what makes a good design
- describe designs and designed objects
- participate in a decision-making discussion
Target activity
- Choose a logo

Unit 58: Virtual worlds

- talk about crimes and justice
- justify your point of view
- talk about media and the Internet
- report different points of view
- describe possible consequences of actions
- suggest changes to a plan or document
Target activity
- Design a site map

Unit 59: Inspiration

- talk about how you deal with problems
- describe experiences of problem solving
- talk about where you get ideas
- describe a scene
- participate in a problem-solving discussion
Target activity
- Come up with solutions

Unit 60: Critical incidents

- make deductions about the past
- describe strong feelings
- say how you feel about past events in your life
- speculate about consequences of past actions
- disagree with speculations about the past
Target activity
- Work out what happened

Unit 61: How it's done

- explain how something is made
- organise a description
- describe responsibilities and roles in different situations
- explain how a team or organisation works
- give a detailed presentation on a familiar topic
Target activity
- Give a factual talk

Unit 62: Discovery

- talk about exploration and discovery
- explain the benefits of something
- describe important issues and priorities
- talk about dedicated people and their achievements
- summarise information from different sources
Target activity
- Choose a subject for documentary

Unit 63: Questions, questions

- describe people skills
- carry out an interview
- report what people say
- give statistics
Target activity
- Carry out a survey

Unit 64: Alternatives

- talk about health treatments
- express belief and scepticism
- persuade someone of your point of view
- tell people what to expect
- support an argument
- make and justify recommendations
Target activity
- Present a proposal

Unit 65: Compromise

- describe disagreements and compromises
- make your case in a disagreement
- talk about dealing with conflict
- negotiate a formal agreement
Target activity
- Negotiate an agreement

Unit 66: Changes

- talk about the future
- make predictions about the world
- describe personal hopes and expectations
- take part in a job interview
Target activity
- Choose the right candidate

Unit 67: Childhood

- talk about adapting to different cultures
- talk about memory
- talk about a personal memory
- evoke the feelings and moods of a past event
Target activity
- Describe a childhood memory

Unit 68: Self

- talk about personality traits
- talk about identity
- understand promotional language
- say how you met someone
- use effective introduction strategies
Target activity
- Promote yourself

Unit 69: Language and literature

- describe a book
- give a personal response
- talk about languages and ways to learn them
- describe experiences of language learning
- discuss plans and priorities
Target activity
- A plan to improve your English

Unit 70: World

- interpret maps and facts
- make comparisons and talk about changes
- talk about diet and nutrition
- discuss changing trends
- talk about result
Target activity
- Say how a town or country has

Unit 71: Concepts of space

- describe spaces in cities
- describe how spaces are used
- talk about crime and surveiltance
- comment on experiences
- outline problems
- discuss and suggest solutions
Target activity
- Plan a city square

Unit 72: Appearances

- describe appearance and changes to appearance
- discuss photos and images
- talk about aim and intention
- talk about fakes and forgeries
- convince people and express doubt
- conduct a personal interview
- describe someone's life, achievements and attitudes
Target activity
- Interview someone and present a profile

Unit 73: Health

- talk about health problems and treatment
- describe and comment on an exhibition or a show
- describe a process or experiment
- discuss implications and significance
- discuss an issue
Target activity
- Global issues

Unit 74: Brand awarenesss

- discuss brands
- describe effects and influences
- talk about the image and qualities of products
- talk about advertising and marketing
- describe an advert
- pass on detailed information
Target activity
- Sell a product

Unit 75: Icons

- speculate about images and objects
- interpret and respond to a story
- discuss icons
- identify critical language in a text
- talk about what something represents
- present arguments and counter-arguments
Target activity
- Icons for today

Unit 76: A sense of belonging

- describe groups and membership
- describe feelings about belonging
- give opinions emphatically
- explore strategies for analysing authentic texts
- persuade others to take action
Target activity
- Prepare a campaign

Unit 77: Climate

- talk about climate change
- describe inventions and how they work
- discuss proposals
- describe an ongoing process
- understand imagery in a poem
- say if actions are justified
- conduct a debate
Target activity
- The Doomsday debate

Unit 78: Knowledge and technology

- talk about knowledge and technology
- discuss how to access information
- describe technological advances
- talk about how things develop
- explain an idea
- deliver a positive message
Target activity
- Deliver a confident message

Book: Basic

Quá trình luyện IELTS đòi hỏi các bạn phải luyện phản xạ nghe, phân tích nhanh nhạy trong việc tìm đáp án. Rèn tư duy nói mạch lạc với ý tưởng và câu chữ thật tự tin. Đọc cẩn thận, biết chọn lọc và phân tích thông tin cũng như nắm ý nhanh. Cuối cùng là kỹ năng viết yêu cầu lên ý tưởng, lập dàn ý và liên kết logic. Chính vì thế việc học IELTS chuyên sâu sẽ giúp bạn rèn luyện cả 4 kỹ năng Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing, thông qua đó giúp bạn rèn tư duy bằng tiếng Anh và phát triển toàn diện.