Unit 01: Jobs 

- say what you do and where you are from 
- ask about personal information 
- spell
- say hello and goodbye and introduce youself and others.

Unit 02: Products & services 

- talk about company types and activities 
- ask about companies 
- say numbers 
- book and order things by phone

Unit 03: Location 

- talk about your company location and buildings
- ask for details about a workplace
- start and end a telephone call
- leave a telephone message.

Unit 04: Technology 

- talk about technology
- talk about everyday activities 
- ask questions in tire present simple
- ask for and offer help

Unit 05: Communication 

- deal with documents and
- correspondence
- talk about a past event
- say sorry
- explain and solve a problem

Unit 06: Contacts 

- order food in a restaurant or café
- use time expressions to talk about the past
- describe a trip
- make general conversation

Unit 07: Departments 

- describe departments and their responsibilities
- say where things are and give directions using prepositions
- show a visitor round a company

Unit 08: Employment 

- talk about professional qualities, skills and experience
- talk about what you are doing now and trends in the workplace
- tell the time
- arrange a meeting

Quay lại

Unit 35: Working online 

- talk about online security at work
- talk about rules
- explain clearly
- take part in a teleconference

Unit 36: Finance 

- talk about how to finance a new business idea
- talk about future predictions
- use will in different ways
- give a presentation with visual information

Unit 37: Logistics 

- talk about logistics and supply chains
- ask direct and indirect questions
- use say and tell correctly
- place and handle orders

Unit 38: Facilities 

- describe a place of work and its facilities
- use quantifiers
- use too and enough
- make suggestions and recommendations

Unit 39: Decisions 

- talk about decision making
- talk about future possibilities
- use if in different ways
- negotiate an agreement

Unit 40: Innovation 

- talk about innovative ideas
- talk about extremes
- praise and thank people formally and informally
- present new ideas

Unit 41: Breakdowns

- talk about breakdowns and faults
- use relative pronouns
- check someone understands
- discuss and solve problems

Unit 10: Teamwork 

- talk about teams and teamwork
- discuss problems
- talk about present and future adangements
- choose the best options
- respond to news
- give opinions


Unit 16: New products 

- talk about new products and the stages in their development
- talk about the development of products
- show interest
- give a report

Unit 42: Processes

- talk about, describe and explain processes
- use passive forms to describe processes
- deal with questions after a presentation

Unit 43: Performance 

- talk about different persones qualities
- talk about past events in your life
- generalize and be specific
- take part in a performance review

Unit 44: First Impressions

- talk about first impressions
- introduce yourself by email
- make a follow-up call
- arrange to meet a business contact
- exchange contact details
- talk about your work and company

Unit 45: Motivation

- talk about motivation at work 
- make small talk
- exit a conversation politely
- use questions to find out information and develop conversation

Unit 46: On Schedule

- talk about managing projects
- ask for / give an update in a meeting
- make and respond to suggestions
- catch up with colleagues
- update on current projects

Unit 47: New Ideas

- talk about ideas and innovations  present an idea, product or service
- thank someone and respond to thanks
- talk about present, past and future ability

Unit 48: Customer Service

- talk about customer service
- deal with customers
- reassure and sympathize
- use direct and indirect questions to deal with customers

Unit 49: Ethical Business

- talk about ethical business
- explain plans and arrangements
- invite and recommend
- respond to spontaneous invitations
- talk about the future

Unit 50: Making Decisions

- talk about personality and decision making
- participate in a decision-making meeting 
- talk about social plans
- talk about improving services and facilities

Unit 51: Outsourcing

- talk about outsourcing
- present factual information
- apologize and respond to apologies
- talk about a law or regulation in your country

Unit 52: Employees

- talk about changing jobs
- talk about ways of keeping staff
- negotiate solutions
- make and respond to quick requests
- negotiate a secondment

Unit 53: New Business

- talk about starting up a new business
- ask about work and life
- ask a favour
- avoid saying 'no'
- talk about activities and results

Unit 54: Communications

- talk about communications
- explain procedures
- use teleconferencing phrases
- deal with situations on the phone
- talk about obligations at work

Unit 55: Change

- talk about change
- present future plans
- be negative diplomatically
- talk about future activities and developments

Unit 56: Facts and Figures

- talk about numbers and trends
- ask for and explain factual and numerical information
- talk about news at work
- report what someone has said

Unit 57: Culture

- talk about cultural differences
- narrate past events 
- give an explanation
- talk about films, TV and books
- talk about past events

Unit 58: Performance

- talk about staff appraisals 
- discuss and evaluate performance
- make people feel relaxed
- talk about hypothetical past events

Unit 14: Contacts 

- describe your job and the
- people you work with
- talk about work activities
- give phone numbers and spell names
- make and receive telephone calls.

Unit 15: Visitors 

- talk about company structure
- ask questions
- welcome visitors
- present visual information

Unit 09: Competition 

- talk about competition and how to be competitive
- compare products and companies
- say prices
- compare and choose

Unit 11: Travel 

- talk about air travel
- check in at an airport
- talk about future plans
- give reasons for actions
- talk about money
- book a hotel room and ask about hotel services.

Unit 12: Schedules 

- talk about schedules
- talk about recent past actions
- say when something happens using prepositions of time
- say dates
- plan a schedule.

Unit 13: Companies 

- talk about what companies do
- talk about your company
- make polite requests
- introduce yourself and others

Unit 17: Employment 

- talk about job benefits and employment procedures
- describe persorial experiences
- delegate work
- discuss progress on projects

Unit 18: Customer service 

- talk about customer service
- make comparisons
- respond to complaints
- ask for and give opinions

Unit 19: Travel 

- talk about travel
- ask for travel information
- report to a company reception
- make small talk and develop a conversation

Unit 20: Orders 

- talk about orders and deliveries
- talk about the future
- make arrangements 
- make and respond to suggestions

Unit 21: Selling 

- talk about sales and advertising
- talk about advertising laws
- interrupt and avoid being interrupted
- control the discussion in meetings

Unit 22: New ideas 

- talk about new green initiatives
- talk about innovative practices
- ask for clarification
- give a formal presentation

Unit 23: Entertaining 

- talk about corporate entertainment
- talk about future possibilities 
- talk about food and drink
- make and respond to invitations and offers

Unit 24: Performance 

- talk about performance
- talk about present and past performance
- say large and approximate numbers
- describe trends

Unit 25: Future trends 

- talk about global issues
- make predictions
- respond to ideas
- predict future trends

Unit 26: Time 

- talk about managing time
- speculate and discuss consequences
- talk about time
- negotiate conditions

Unit 27: Training 

- talk about personal development and training
- give advice
- say thank you and respond
- show understanding and suggest solutions

Unit 28: Your career 

- talk about ambitions and careers
- revise grammar and tenses
- say goodbye
- give a personal presentation


Unit 29: Working life 

- talk about yourself and your work
- give a short personal presentation
- show interest during conversations
- network with groups of people

Unit 30: Work-life balance 

- talk about work-life balance
- say 'yes' in different ways
- exchange contact details

Unit 31: Projects

- talk about projects
- talk about the progress of a project
- give short answers
- update and delegate tasks

Unit 32: Services & systems 

- talk about services and systems
- make comparisons
- talk about approximate numbers
- talk about features and benefits

Unit 33: Customers

- talk about customer service
- talk about schedules and future arrangements
- say 'sorry' in different ways
- make and change arrangements

Unit 34: Guests & visitors 

- talk about business-travel schedules
- use articles
- find out how to address people
- welcome visitors and talk about their journey


Unit 59: Career Breaks

- talk about taking a career break
- present a personal case
- talk about taking time off 
- review your situation at work

Unit 60: Connections

- talk about cultural differences
- report on research and use tenses correctly
- introduce yourself

Unit 61: Careers

- talk about careers.
- discuss/share ideas and talk about the past
- explain your opinion


Unit 62: Change

- talk about organizational change
- give a formal presentation about the future
- show understanding

Unit 63: Risk

- discuss company risks
- participate in a teleconference and use pronouns to refer to something
-facilitate conversation

Unit 64: Teamwork

- discuss personalities 
- avoid conflict and add emphasis in negotiation
- respond to feedback

Unit 65: Progress

- discuss innovation
- talk about new ideas and use adverbs
- avoid giving direct answers

Unit 66: Learning

- discuss training
- communicate effectively on the phone and talk about the future from a past perspective
- express dissatisfaction

Unit 67: Performance

- discuss performance at work
- give informal presentations and deal with questions

Unit 68: Resources

- talk about CSR
- discuss options using conditionals
- avoid misunderstandings

Unit 69: Leadership

- discuss types of leadership
- give a briefing using the passive
- say how you feel .about something

Unit 70: Values

- discuss values
- reach an agreement using formal and emphatic language
- talk about difficult issues

Unit 71: Persuation

- discuss persuasion
- sell an idea using discourse markers
- deal with compliments

Quá trình luyện IELTS đòi hỏi các bạn phải luyện phản xạ nghe, phân tích nhanh nhạy trong việc tìm đáp án. Rèn tư duy nói mạch lạc với ý tưởng và câu chữ thật tự tin. Đọc cẩn thận, biết chọn lọc và phân tích thông tin cũng như nắm ý nhanh. Cuối cùng là kỹ năng viết yêu cầu lên ý tưởng, lập dàn ý và liên kết logic. Chính vì thế việc học IELTS chuyên sâu sẽ giúp bạn rèn luyện cả 4 kỹ năng Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing, thông qua đó giúp bạn rèn tư duy bằng tiếng Anh và phát triển toàn diện.